Regenerate the Traditions * Regenerate the Land * Regenerate the People
Regenerate the Traditions * Regenerate the Land * Regenerate the People
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We are now collaborating with Buena Fortuna Gardens, a Seed Saving Mission which for the last 16 years has been building their seed bank. They now have more than 3700 plant varieties of heirloom foods and mostly traditional medicines. They were instrumental in building the Seeds of Change seed company and are fully experienced in setting up any scope of project we can provide space for. Kitzia Kokopelmana, the head of Buena Fortuna, is also on the Permaculture Board of North America. She is like a blazing fire and paves the path for regeneration of land and community without wasting a moment. We are truly honored to have such an activated and incredible example of the empowered feminine to be aligning with Phalamritam Institute. An integral factor in realizing the goals of Phalamritam Institute, is the preservation of the seeds of the foods and medicines of the authentic traditions. Sometimes our project is even perceived as a seed saving project which not only is preserving the seeds of the plants but also the seeds of the authentic healing traditions of the world.
We honor all efforts to educate the modern world in the ancient ways that have shown merit in establishing harmony and balance in relationships, lifestyle and diet.
Total access to what has been available to humans for thousands of years will be made more approachable with more consistency and with more authenticity,
This includes everything from exotic rejuvenation methods and indigenous ceremonies with sacred plant teachers, to the proper use of traditionally prepared nano-particle sized alchemically-purified mineral medicines.
Everything will be scrutinized through a lens of sustainability, compassion and ecology.
Along with supporting our peers already working along these lines, we wish to create at least one Institute that contains 5 colleges, one hospital, a conference-ceremony center, a rejuvenation center and a pharmacy. And with this produce high quality research reports and clinical trials which validate the deep gratitude of thousands of years of empirical use.
Our eventual goal is to establish a model Institute which will offer traditional accredited education in several Indigenous medicine systems. In the poroposed research hospital the students would all work together in the first of its kind integrated indigenous medicine environment. Allopathic-alternative medical doctors would be welcomed to study and learn with the resident students. Most importantly, the patients in the hospital will have a variety of traditional protocols and expert guidance as to which might be the best approach for that individual.
We look forward to serving the general population of the world with rejuvenation retreats of unique and rarely accessed therapies to restore bodily strength and health. Rarely seen in the modern medical world, these ancient forms of rejuvenation were at one time kept solely for the kings and sages of ancient times.
From our retreat participants and testimonies, we plan to access interested health practitioners who wish to learn these rare techniques in a 5 month course. In the course the students will learn virtually unknown indigenous rejuvenation therapies we have discovered, Some exclusively private and held within certain family lines for many centuries.
One of the most important factors of indigenous medical advice is the diet and lifestyle. We are excited to be laying the groundwork for an outreach program locally here in California that will care for and educate patients in and out of hospital care, in food preparation and dietary planning based on indigenous wisdom principles.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.